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Kanban Cadences

Seven Kanban cadences that help to improve information flow

Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over 5 years ago

What are Kanban Cadences?

Kanban Cadences are special organizational meetings focused on effective bi-directional communication at all necessary levels of a company. 

These cadences can significantly evolve continuous work focused on flow in companies of any size.

There are 7 Cadences in Kanban:  

  • Risk Review 

  • Strategy Review Meeting

  • Daily Standup

  • Service Delivery Review

  • Operations Review Meeting

  • Replenishment Meeting

  • Delivery Planning

Risk Review (monthly)

The global goal of a risk meeting is to discuss and agree on risks related to certain tasks or changes. This meeting can be applied to all levels of the company.

During the meeting (or in advance) a team identifies risks and takes steps to mitigate those risks, improving system predictability, which increases profitability and trust.

The basic sense of risk review is about examining past failures to identify the root causes and find ways to keep those things from happening again.

Strategy Review (quarterly) 

A strategy meeting is the highest level of reviewing and adjusting the strategy based on info from the market and your customers.

During the meeting, you have the opportunity to answer if you are still doing the right things. You review market changes and questions whether our current goals are optimized to serve emerging needs.

In the result of the strategy review meeting, you could get new guidelines for evaluating product ideas or KPIs.

Standup Meetings (daily) 

A Kanban Daily Stand Up is the kind of meeting focused on team synchronization. 

The Daily Stand Up is a good reason to identify new events at a level of the team like blockers. It is also an appropriate moment to check if you respect WIP limits, focus on delivering tasks in progress before pulling new ones.

The meeting includes questions like who is working on what, who needs help, and whose tasks are blocked.

The format of the Daily Kanban can vary dramatically: from the Scrum round with 3 questions to the scanning of the Kanban board.

Service Delivery Review (weekly) 

A service delivery review is about checking the performance of the team against the quality, commitments, metrics, lead time, and so on.

During the meeting, you check how well you are serving your customers. It involves representatives of the end users of your output. The meeting is aimed to explore customer satisfaction with all aspects of the process. So the main goal is to improve customer satisfaction and build trust.

Operations Review (monthly) 

This meeting is pretty similar to the Service Delivery Review but it covers a bigger part of the company.

The goal of the operations review is to assure global flow over local optimizations and being fit for your customers. During this meeting, managers look for ways to improve the system as a whole.

Based on the data discussed, the team devises experiments to improve the flow efficiency in the entire system.

Replenishment Meeting (weekly) 

A replenishment meeting is focused on making sure that the team has enough of the right tasks to do and can commit to delivering these tasks.

In Scrum, it is called the sprint-planning meeting, but the format may differ and multiple shareholders may be involved. 

This meeting provides the latest info from downstream feedback and market forces and defines what is the most important set of tasks to feed into the system.

Delivery Planning Meeting (per delivery) 

Delivery planning is about planning delivery more carefully. It is especially important if the tasks handled by the team don’t land on production immediately. 

As the result of the delivery planning meeting, some tasks in progress may change priority or class of service.

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