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Persona Canvas

How to create connections with customers using Customer Persona Canvas?

Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over a week ago

If you want to build a connection with your audience to create content and deliver your product, you need to understand your customers on a deeper level. Actually, this is the main reason to use Customer Persona Canvas - the simple way to create a profile of your typical or ideal customer you can identify.

Customer Persona Canvas is a template to craft customer personas in a step by step order. 

The basic idea of creating a Persona is to set up a face and a name to what just were data points and observations.

Persona is a hypothetical archetype of your potential/ typical/ ideal customer that aim at representing them throughout the design process. It's not about real people or average users. It's a group of certain users that behave in similar ways. They demonstrate the key attributes of the social group they represent.

Persona Canvas is an extremely useful tool for guiding the development of your product (service) that meets the user needs, goals, wants and expectations.

How to create Persona Canvas?

To complete the sections, you may use relevant data from analytics tools, social media, surveys, undertake interviews or make own guesses based on your experience.  

What can Persona Canvas include?

Your Persona template will be helpful in defining a user personas so you should take into account the common points (they can vary according to the product or service).

  • Demographic details: name, native country, age, salary, profession, marital status and some other basic details to start building out the profile of your typical customer. It is important here to make your customer as real as possible.

  • Bio - for defining behavioral characteristics and culture.

  • Interests. Define the interests your customers have. It can include personal and professional items.

  • A picture to make a persona more memorable.

  • A user's behavior (to show a customer' attitude)

  • Technographics. It's about how technical-oriented your customer personas are. How often do they use social media and RSS? Do they use tablets or mobiles? And so on. All of these things will inform you about the types of content you should create and what channels to use.

  • Marketing channels (where to reach them).

  • Motivations (what motivates a user).

  • Goals and aspirations. It's about simple interests, hopes, and dreams of your customers. If you can understand their core aspirations then you will begin to understand why they do certain things.

  • Frustrations and pains (what irritates or annoy a customer).

  • Top reasons to use your product.

  • Attitude to your product, relationships (frequency of use vs value it creates).

  • Priorities in brands (to understand what users like and appreciate).

  • Devices, apps, services they use.

  • Key breakers (what stops users from using your product)

  • Most visited websites. Create a small top-list of sites your customer visits on a regular basis. Understanding this will help you to gain some insight into the types of issues they are being exposed.

How can Hygger help you work on your Personas?

  • The online template will help to set up your board quickly and start the research.

  • Shareable spaces will allow all your team members to contribute and add their ideas and insights to the customer portrait.

  • You can add different file formats if needed: pictures, documents, and videos.

Look how it can be realized with the help of friendly Kanban boards in Hygger. In this example, we use only some of the elements for Customer Persona Canvas, but you can surely change them or add your categories required.

First, we note Basic data, Customer’s goals and Frustrations:

Then we define Personal motivation factors, Brands and influencers, Decision making factors and Marketing channels. 

Summing it up, let's say that Persona Canvas is a simple and useful tool for any product manager. In common words, the main idea of Customer Persona is to provide you with the better understanding of what you are doing, what for and for whom. The Canvas helps to focus on the mental model of a person or group of people. Making it visual makes sure that everyone in your team has the same picture.

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