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All CollectionsHygger Course №1 - The first day in Hygger
Lesson 4. How to start working on your task
Lesson 4. How to start working on your task

So what is a task and how to create a new one?

Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over a week ago

A task is a part of project activities, in other words, it’s a card with the written actions you are planning to do. Team members communicate with each other within a task, log time spent on a task, use checklists to track task fulfillment and many more.

By creating a task on board you notify your teammates about the work they should do, a bug they should fix or idea for future development. 

To create your own task click on ‘Add a task’ on the top or the bottom of the task list.

You’ll be opened the blank field where you can type the task name. It’s better to give it such title, so your employees will understand what is waited from them. 

Once you create a task, you can add details. Even if your title is understandable enough (as ‘to create account”), it’s better to give more information to your card. Let’s learn how to do it. 


In this field you can clarify the main details of the task. 

You specify what you are waiting from your colleague and the goals you want to achieve. 

Also, you can explain to your colleagues why they need to complete this task. To add the description click on the ‘Add Description’ button or on description itself. 

2)Start/End date

You can set a start and due dates for every task with the help of a Due/Start Date options. Once the date is set, you can edit it either from the task menu or from the start/ due date indicator on the task. 

By setting a date you will notify your team about the time until they need to complete their task. They will be informed about the due date 24 hours before the set date. 

 If your team misses the deadline, the task will be overdue and they will get a notification too. 

3)Estimated Hours/Log Work

You can give a task an approximate time estimation - how much time it takes to complete it. Choose an Estimate option and set a value on a pop-up window. When you set up the estimated time and start working on your task, you can log work by using the clock icon or clicking on the Log Work button. You can leave a comment, describing your activities, or log your time without specifying your actions.

4)Attach files

Hygger allows you to upload any attachments to the task, it can be any file you need. Use the Attachment option from the right menu to upload the files. Maximum size allowed for attachments is 250 MB.

Here is the little tip for you: copy the image and add it to a task by clicking ctrl+v or Command+V

You can also download or delete the attachments anytime you’d like.

5) All Activity/Time

All activity you made, all added attachment, all log works will be in the All Activity section. Here you’ll see the person who creates the task and who adds it to the Done column. It helps you to see the changes made and a person responsible for it. 

It means that if you want to track what is going on with the task you can consult the activity feed.

To see only log work you can open the Time section. Here you’ll see the time your colleagues spent on this task. 

Comments will be discussed in Lesson 6

Now it’s time for you to create a task and add the description - write what should be done - add start and due date and then attach file. Good job! Go to another lesson to know how to assign this task to a member. 

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