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Lesson 9. How to get the notifications
Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over a week ago

The place where you can find all notifications is Inbox. If someone assigns you to a task and mention you in a comment or any other action happens, you’ll receive notifications. These notifications are stored in Inbox unless you open it or archive it. Notifications are grouped by date: Today, Yesterday, This Month. 

Activity Field shows you that tasks were moved to another column or if it’s completed. It’s another way to track teams activity in Hygger. 

Besides Inbox you will receive the notifications on your email that you used for registration. The same notifications you’ll receive on your mobile device if you download the mobile app(for iOS or for Android).  

We understand that your email box can be overwhelmed with the notifications. If you are sure that it’s enough to see notifications in Inbox, you can unsubscribe from those on email on My Profile Settings. You can open it by clicking on your personal icon.  

Under First and Last Name you can notice Email Notifications and two options in it: ‘Send every time’ and ‘Don’t send at all’. Please, choose the second option to stop spamming your email with notifications.

If you are interested in work on the task you created, you can subscribe to it and get notifications about key changes on a task. You will be acknowledged if your colleagues: 

  • Leave comment

  • Add/Change the description of the task

  • Archive/unarchive a task

  • Add/Delete a checklist item

  • Attach a photo or a document

  • Add/Change Due Dates on your task.

As you are working with your team, you would like to be acknowledged about the key changes on the board. To be notified about it you can also subscribe to a board and column. 

To subscribe to a board, please, open the Board Menu and find Subscribe - put check in front of it. 

To subscribe to the column, please, open the three dots menu and put check in front of the Subscribe button. 

So that’s all for the first course. Now you know about base actions in Hygger and how to start to work in it. 

 See you next time!

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