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Scrum Sprint

A special time-box during which a useable and releasable product increment is created.

Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over a week ago

Each Scrum project is broken down into small and consistent time intervals named Sprints

In Scrum development, a sprint means a specific period of time when specific work should be completed and be ready for review. It represents a one-timeboxed iteration of a continuous development cycle. 

Sprints can be short (just few days) and generally last no longer than 3–4 weeks.

How does a Sprint work?

A sprint begins with a planning meeting (one of the four key Scrum ceremonies) when the Product Owner together with the development team define what work will be performed during the sprint.

When it comes to defining how much work can realistically be accomplished during the sprint, the developers have the final say. The product owner decides what criteria are needed need for the work to be approved.

When all team members reach a consensus about how many days a sprint should last, all the next sprints should be the same. 

There is an everyday element of any sprint named a Daily Standup that is aimed to gather all team members to discuss progress and brainstorm solutions. The attendance of the Project Owner in these meetings is optional.

Actually, only the Scrum Master or a Project Manager is allowed to interrupt or stop the sprint.

The sprint ends with the team's presentation of the completed work to the Project Owner (who accepts or reject this work).

Ready to implement Scrum methodology? Find out more in a guide How to Do Scrum with Hygger Software.

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