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Daily Scrum (Stand Up Meeting)
Daily Scrum (Stand Up Meeting)

The rules and mission of a Scrum stand-up meeting

Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over a week ago

The main idea about a daily Scrum meeting proclaims that if you want to get the meeting short and efficient then all need to stand up. 

It means that participants should physically stand up not just when it’s their turn to talk.

The meeting includes answering three min questions:

  • What did you achieve yesterday? 

  • What do you hope to achieve today? 

  • Is there anything disturbing you from reaching your goals for the day?

The goal of the meeting for all the team members is to make commitments to each other and to keep everyone focused on Sprints.

The daily Scrum is also aimed to repeatedly create new sprint plans with fixed time spans, but not to create long-term plans.

When are Daily Scrums held?

Consistency is essential in term of Scrum meeting usefulness.

Ideally, daily Scrum team-meeting takes place at the same time each morning when the minds of all participants are clear, ideas are fresh and everyone is full of enthusiasm.

First, it promotes optimum attendance level. Secondly, the meeting improves a sense of familiarity, regularity, and continuity amongst the team members.

It's better to schedule and run a daily Scrum in a secluded room to avoid interruptions and to keep everyone on their feet. The place should be equipped with appropriate project management tools, including a Kanban board that will provide visual results of the meeting in chronological order.

Who needs a Daily Scrum? 

Actually, the Daily Scrum may be relevant for a wide range of companies and teams. This kind of meeting is applicable to any organization running a new short-term project.

Participants of daily Stand-Ups 

The Daily Scrum involves all team members. However, if one or two members are absent, the team meeting should go ahead, because after all the final result is more important than one or two individual players.

The daily Stand Up is an opportunity for communication between everyone, so everyone in the team should be given the opportunity to contribute. 

A complete Scrum should include participants from other departments within an organization, although these people are mostly observers than participants.

The benefits of a Daily Scrum 

  • All team members from different departments working on the same project get together and communicate once a day in a semi-formal environment. 

  • The culture of a stand-up meeting (being on your feet for 15 minutes) means keeping everyone in physical and mentally sharp, focused and involved. 

  • Involvement on a regular daily basis is another important benefit.

  • The Scrum meeting re-evaluates the fluidity of any particular project. It suits well for projects that are rapidly and constantly changing.

  • The regularity and repetition is a basic component of Agile processes. 

  • The meeting is not only verbal but also a visual one. Task boards give specific updates and add optical information to all team members.

  • Daily Scrums are easy to run. Simplicity as we know often leads to better results.

Ready to implement Scrum methodology? Find out more in a guide How to Do Scrum with Hygger Software.

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