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Timeline Board
Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over a week ago

Timeline(Roadmap) board is a visual schedule for a project. It allows you to see the start and due dates of the tasks on a calendar and manage project plans.


To use a Timeline use a quick add menu by clicking + icon near the search bar.



After that specify the name of the board and choose a project (-s) / a collection for the board.



The board itself consists of two blocks: the list of the tasks and the calendar. On the list, you can see the task’s name, task’s assignee, the % of completeness and its status icon:


Task Group

You can add single tasks as well as a group of tasks. A Group can represent a big task with subtasks. Tasks inside the groups can be collapsed for better navigation on the board. Also, you can move groups and tasks across the board changing their position and add tasks to a group with drag and drop. To add a new group click the Group button and adjust its position on the list. 

To edit or archive the group click the action button and choose the necessary action on a pop-up menu. If you want to edit its name, click on the pencil icon, while the cross mark will delete the group.


There are 10 different colors to customize the taskbar on a calendar. By using colors you can visually differentiate tasks by any criteria. Taskbar is equally colored to its % of completeness. 

Timeline Task

To add a new task use the Task option and enter the task’s name. 

By default, the date when the task is created is considered its Start Date. To change the Start Date of the task, move the taskbar directly on the calendar to the necessary date. Due Date of the task can be set and edited either from the task menu or directly from the calendar by moving the taskbar to the necessary position.


To add tasks from other boards to Timeline you can use the Link option and the task will appear on Timeline as a linked task. The changes you made will affect both tasks, for example, if you complete the task on Timeline it will be completed on the original board too.


To show a dependency of tasks you can use the Dependency option. Click on the Add button of a task and choose Dependency. There 2 different types - Followed by and Preceded by. Choose one of them and dependent or parent task and click Create.  


You can also include the project into your Timeline by using the Project option. 


The project will be added as a task to Timeline with all the details you specified on the Project Settings. 


Each task, group or project has the three dots menu that allows you to edit or insert a new task, group or project below the chosen item. 


Timeline board has the same structure in the board menu as Kanban board. The difference is in the Export option. You may export Timeline not only in CSV format but in PDF format either. You click ‘Export as PDF’ and choose the page size. It takes some minutes to generate the document. 

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