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Sprint Board
Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over a week ago

Sprint board is a platform for running sprints. Sprint is a certain scope of tasks that need to be fulfilled over a set period of time. You can start as many sprints as you want on one board.

To create a Sprint board use a quick add menu by clicking + icon near the search bar.

On the pop-up menu fill in the board’s details.

When the board is created fill it with the tasks and add members to them. Estimate your tasks with Story Points, with Hours or with both of them.

As soon as the board is ready, you can start the sprint. Click the Start Sprint button, set up sprint's end date, tasks' estimation unit and start the sprint.

To navigate sprint timeframe, edit a sprint’s name or an estimation unit, open the board menu, choose Sprint Settings change to new End Date/Name/Estimation unit and confirm the changes.


For your ease, there is a progress tracker on the board header.

Progress tracker is updated every time when a task is moved to the Done column. By default you see the ratio of completed tasks to the total number of tasks of the sprint. You can switch the progress mode to other options with the switch button.

There are 3 options available:

  • Story Points Completed - the ratio between completed Story Points (in the Done type of column) to all Story Points of the sprint;

  • Hours Logged - the ratio between logged hours and total number of estimated hours of the sprint;

  • X working days till the end - a number of days left till the sprint finishes.

When working with a sprint board you have 2 possibilities: to release or to stop the sprint.

Release Sprint - the following actions happen when you release a sprint:

  • A new version within a project is created;

  • You have the opportunity to choose what you to do with uncompleted tasks whether to release them or to leave them on a board.

  • All the tasks from the board that you choose to release are assigned a new version and are released;

Note: A board doesn’t close after sprints were released since the board is not attached to any of them.

 Stop Sprint - when you stop a sprint, it returns back to its initial state.


Burndown Chart

To ease team progress tracking on the sprint, you can use Burndown Chart.


Burndown Chart displays the ratio of the amount of work remaining to complete the sprint and the time remaining to complete the sprint.

Burndown Chart components:

  • Х-axis - the number of days to complete the sprint. Sprint start day is 0;

  • Y-axis - the overall estimate of all tasks in story point/hours;

  • Ideal burndown - this line represents "the ideal flow" of a sprint. Can be used as a guideline for the team;

  • Activity - this line represents the real flow of sprint. Displays the difference between the overall estimate and the time already spent on sprint.

Burndown Chart helps you predict whether sprint will be completed in time. All the changes (new tasks, end date change, estimate change, etc.) are immediately displayed on the chart. This lets you prevent risks and quickly react to difficult situations.


In this section, you will have access to the lists of Released Sprints and Velocity Report.

Released Sprints

The list of released sprints allows you to see their burndown report, a statistics of completed and uncompleted tasks, of estimated Story Points/Hours and completed ones.

To have an access to this list, open board's menu (top right corner of a webpage) > Released Sprints.


Velocity Report

This report helps you to increase a planning accuracy by estimating velocity of a business value which Scrum team delivers.

Velocity report relates to a sprint board and shows a number of completed story points/hours of each sprint released on this board. You will also see a statistics of team’s average velocity per week and per sprint.

To have an access to a Velocity Report, open board's menu (top right corner of a webpage) > Velocity Report.

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