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Feature Buckets method

Playing prioritization technique described by Adam Nash

Alexander Sergeev avatar
Written by Alexander Sergeev
Updated over 7 years ago

Product managers need special methods and techniques for determining priorities and getting great business results. There are dozens of popular methodologies from gaming to the most complicated, quantitative and qualitative, for internal and external purposes.

Here’s one of the popular methods - Feature Buckets method.

Feature Buckets prioritization method

The technology of prioritization proposed by Adam Nash is also very popular and simple.

Its author believes that feature prioritisation differs greatly in different types of products and industries, and that is why he emphasizes that this method was defined specifically for consumer of online products.

According to him, feature concepts should be placed in one of the four buckets:

  • Metrics Movers. Features that will significantly move the target business and product metrics. Specific goals and strategies behind the decision to invest in a product should be here (AARRR (Pirate Metrics) will be helpful.

  • Customer Requests. Features that have been requested directly by customers.

  • Delights. Innovative features that are internally generated based on insights in design or technology.

  • Strategic. Features that are included for strategic reasons related to future goals.

A well-balanced product release should typically include features from all of these buckets.

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